Jurassic World Reborn Wiki
Jurassic World Reborn Wiki

Corythosaurus: Top images show two males, bottom images two females. Left images show two adults, right images show two infants.

Corythosaurus is a fauna species, specifically a terrestrial dinosaur, found within Jurassic Reborn.

Species Information

Corythosaurus is a hadrosaur dinosaur that lived during the Late Cretaceous period. Corythosaurus had an immense number of teeth compressed together into "batteries", forming a single grinding surface on each side of the upper and lower jaw. This allowed the dinosaur to process copious amounts of food at once. The Corythosaurus had hundreds of small interlocking teeth at the back of its jaw, which allowed it to grind plants much easier.

In-Game Information

  • Extinct Species Revival Process: Incubator.
  • Geological Time Period: Cretaceous.
  • Diet: Herbivorous.
  • Biological Clock: Diurnal.
  • Tameable: Yes.
  • Inventory Space: 36.
  • Days until fully grown: 40.
  • Maximum Health (Hearts):
    • Adult: 28.
    • Infant: 5.
  • Dimensions (Blocks: Length x Height x Width):
    • Adult: 13x4x3.

Skeleton Assembly

Corythosaurus crafting recipe

Crafting Recipe for Corythosaurus Fresh Skeleton. Recipe for Corythosaurus Fossilized Skeleton is the same, replacing Fresh Bones for Regular (Fossilized) Bones.


To the left: Corythosaurus Fossilized Skeleton. To the right: Corythosaurus Fresh Skeleton.

The crafting recipe for this species' skeletons, along with some screenshots of them, shown to the right.
