Jurassic World Reborn Wiki

Diplocaulus: Top images show two males, bottom images two females. Left images show two adults, right images show two infants.

Diplocaulus is a fauna species, specifically an amphibian, found within Jurassic Reborn.

Species Information

Native to North America, the Diplocaulus lived from the Early Permian almost up to the Great Dying, or the Permian-Triassic mass extinction(299 - 251 million years ago). This lepospondyl is one of the more famous extinct amphibians. It is thought to have swam in an undulating fashion due to its body shape. Although capable of travelling on land, it most likely spent it’s time in water, hiding in sediment at the bottom.

In-Game Information

  • Extinct Species Revival Process: Cultivator
  • Geological Time Period: Permian.
  • Diet: Piscivorous.
  • Tameable: Yes.
  • Inventory Space: Undefined.
  • Days until fully grown: 45.
  • Maximum Health (Hearts):
    • Adult: 20.
    • Infant: 5.
  • Dimensions (Blocks: Length x Height x Width):
    • Adult: 6x2x2.

Skeleton Assembly


Crafting Recipe for Diplocaulus Fresh Skeleton. Recipe for Diplocaulus Fossilized Skeleton is the same, replacing Fresh Bones for Regular (Fossilized) Bones.

The crafting recipe for this species' skeletons, along with some screenshots of them, shown to the right.


To the left: Diplocaulus Fossilized Skeleton. To the right: Diplocaulus Fresh Skeleton.
