Jurassic World Reborn Wiki
Jurassic World Reborn Wiki

Microceratus: Top images show two males, bottom images two females. Left images show two adults, right images show two infants.

Microceratus is a fauna species, specifically a terrestrial dinosaur, found within Jurassic World Reborn.

Species Information

Native to China, the Microceratus was a tiny, herbivorous ceratopsian dinosaur that lived during the Cretaceous period(129.4 - 66 million years ago). For its diet, the Microceratus favored several predominant flowering plants of the period including ferns, cycads and conifers. With its parrot-like beaks, this creature would bite off the leaves or needles in order to eat it.

In-Game Information

  • Extinct Species Revival Process: Incubator.
  • Geological Time Period: Cretaceous.
  • Diet: Herbivorous.
  • Biological Clock: Diurnal.
  • Tameable: Yes.
  • Inventory Space: UNDEFINED.
  • Days until fully grown: 30.
  • Maximum Health (Hearts):
    • Adult: 5.
    • Infant: 1.
  • Dimensions (Blocks: Length x Height x Width):
    • Adult: 1x1x1.

Skeleton Assembly


Crafting Recipe for Microceratus Fresh Skeleton. Recipe for Microceratus Fossilized Skeleton is the same, replacing Fresh Bones for Regular (Fossilized) Bones.


To the left: Microceratus Fossilized Skeleton. To the right: Microceratus Fresh Skeleton.

The crafting recipe for this species' skeletons, along with some screenshots of them, shown to the right.
